Miss you photo video maker

by NR Vision Studio

Video Players & Editors


Nowadays, a lot of teenagers are finding love. When they are separated, they miss one another. Therefore, they decided to use a video with accompanying emotional music to tell their partner that they are missing them.They console their partner by expressing their emotions through photos and videos. Our application offers a platform for users to make photo videos using vintage photos and emotional music. It is simple to compile old experiences into a remarkable video.Edit the images by adding custom text, stickers, and hand-drawn doodle art, as well as cropping and rotating them.Based on your desired pattern, choose a theme.To make a video more beautiful, add a frame.Remove the necessary piece of the song, then join it to the video.The app comes with a variety of miss you stickers that may be used to convey feelings.There is a lot of text that may be customised, including the font, texture, colour, gradient, and shadow.The created video saves and can be shared with your friends and loved ones with a single click.